Ruth Bradford from Forward Leeds said they had "had to adapt."

 Rehabilitation servis UK Addiction Treatment (UKAT), which runs residential centres in England, said 65% of all admissions to its eight facilities last year were middle class users. Nuno Albuquerque, a senior treatment consultant at UKAT, said almost two thirds of the 3,507 people admitted for treatment in 2021 were professionals, ranging from teachers to managing directors and CEOs in industries such as finance and healthcare. In 2020, half of the 2,872 referals were from white-collar professions, he said. Forward Leeds and fellow addiction charity We Are With You painted similar pictures in Leeds and Lincoln.Shaaron Jackson, from Guiseley, West Yorkshire, says she has been an alcoholic for "most of my life" with her addiction stemming from childhood trauma.

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The 54-year-old former actress says recognising the issue is the hardest tahap in getting help. "I think it's because still, even now, we see it as a failing. We see it as a weakness and that's how it's still viewed by society. "I think that's why this kind of misuse is going on behind closed doors. People are afraid to talk openly about it."In recovery, we have very honest conversations. But then, if you go out into the rest of society, it becomes difficult."

Ms Jackson was drinking "two litre-bottles of vodka a day" before the death of her mother and a suicide attempt sparked her wake-up call in 2020. Lunch break interventions Latest government figures show 275,896 adults were using drug and alcohol serviss between April 2020 and March 2021, compared to 270,705 the previous year. However, there was a turun in those entering treatment with 130,490 in the pandemi period of 2020-2021 down from 132,124 in 2019-2020. The view from the ground suggests the opposite.

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Mr Firbank said: "On average 40 new people approach us each week for issues with both drugs and alcohol, more than ganda the numbers presenting pre-pandemic." The pandemi has also changed how people are able to akses addiction dukungan.

Ruth Bradford from Forward Leeds said they had "had to adapt." "We're being very much more flexible to the needs of the individuals who come to our servis.

"When they're on their lunch break we can have a telepon or a Zoom intervention with them, and we know that it's been as efekive as having these face-to-face consultations. "It's helped them to engage more with us and complete their treatment journeys."While the move to digital dukungan serviss has encouraged pemakai numbers, the stigma of people accessing dukungan still exists, says Dan Hunt, a community engagement coordinator at the We Are With You charity. "There's a lot of work still to be done around drug and alcohol and I think we've got to start treating it as a health condition. "There's such a stigma attached to drug and alcohol serviss about a specific tipe of people accessing them, that people are afraid to come in or seek the help because they don't perasaan they belong to that same grup of individuals." Ms Jackson backed this view up saying: "People view addiction [as though] it's somebody on the streets begging or they look dishevelled and they think, 'that's the face of addiction'. Actually it's not.

"Addiction doesn't discriminate, that's the thing. It's not just poor people who are living on the breadline, it goes right to the very hebat."

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